Ordinary epidermis
Guard cells
Thick cuticle
Thicker cuticle
Thin cuticle
Parasitic plant
Petal epidermis
Sclerified epidermis
Papillose epidermis
Sculptured cuticle
Elaborate cuticle
Cuticular horns
Radial walls
Cuticle proper
No epidermis
Epidermal peels
Cycad peel
Typical stoma
Sunken stoma
Stomatal orientation 1
Unusual orientation 2
Stomata and fibers
Stomatal crypts
Crypts, mag.
Crypt margin
Water lily
Stomatal channels
Groove, hi mag
Subsidiary cells
Uniseriate hair
Peltate hair, mag
Peltate, lo mag
Branched hairs
Trichome base
Lithocyst, Ficus
Lithocysts, hemp
Bulliform cells
Grass epidermis
Multiple epi

Fig. 10.3-2. Epidermal peel of cycad leaf (Cycas rumphii). Ordinary epidermis cells in cycad leaves typically have an angular shape, often being trapezoidal. Notice that the guard cells and stomatal pores here are very large.

Stomatal density can be considered in terms of the number of stomata per square millimeter, which is a good measure of how permeable the epidermis is to the movement of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water. But density can also be considered in the number of cells that become stomatal complex cells as a percentage of all the cells in the epidermis (for example, if the number is 50% of all epidermal cells -- that would indicate half of all cells differentiate into guard cells or subsidiary cells; if it is only 5%. then only 1 cell in 20 do so).

The stomatal density in terms of stomata per square millimeter is high in this species, but as a percentage of all epidermal cells, it is low.